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Definition, Types, and Meanings of Technology-facilitated and Online Gender-based Violence

Date: 2022-06-01
DataSource: 性別平等處

  1. Due to the rapid development of digital technology, online and other technology-facilitated gender-based violence incidents have been emerging, which have caused real damage to the privacy and personal safety of the public. Additionally, such incidents are the concerns of the General Recommendation No. 35 of CEDAW and Conclusions and Recommendation No. 28 and 29 of the Review of Taiwan’s Third Report on the Implementation of CEDAW. Hence, the chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee of the Executive Yuan, Su Tseng-chang, has instructed that all the ministries should examine the thoroughness of current laws and propose specific and effective measures and schedules for issues within their authorities. The Minister without Portfolio, Lo Ping-cheng, was instructed to supervise and coordinate all responsible ministries.

  2. After convening numerous inter-ministerial prevention meetings, the definition and scope of technology-facilitated and online gender-based violence were determined. Then, the committee members of the Gender Equality Committee of the Executive Yuan and relevant ministries established the “Definition, Types, and Meanings of Technology-facilitated and Online Gender-based Violence” to enable each ministry to examine their governed regulations and measures to determine whether these should be included and regulated within the scope of emerging technology-facilitated and online gender-based violence. Said document also facilitates each responsible ministry to implement relevant measures according to the resolutions, such as making an inventory of all sources of laws, organizing trainings and campaigns, and conducting prevalence surveys and relevant survey statistics. For the establishment of policies and administrative measures or amendments of regulations concerning technology-facilitated and online gender-based violence prevention, the competent authorities should clarify in detail and plan the actions in accordance with this document to ensure its exhaustiveness.

  3. In addition, the definition, types, and meanings of technology-facilitated and online gender-based violence stated in this document are governed by the policies; all responsible agencies may subsequently make amendments or additions to the regulations as they see fit to allow discretionary spaces in practices.

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